We invited Clair, one of our librarians,to review a book this week. She chose Solanin, a wonderful manga. Here are her thoughts:
I unexpectedly lost a
whole lazy Sunday afternoon reading Solanin, a graphic novel written and
illustrated by Inio Asano. It is a coming-of-age story about a group of
twenty somethings living in urban Japan. Initially, I just thumbed
through the first few pages to see if it would be worth a read. I quickly found
myself glued.
4/5 Cute Bunnies with X's for Faces
Gordon’s Ratings Guide:
1/5 - Blech! Don't bother
2/5 - Nothing special
3/5 - Entertaining and worth a read
4/5 - Amazing. You should definitely read.
5/5 - Truly an outstanding title. MUST read!
Click "Read more" for the rest of her review.