DIY Forever: Coffee Cozies!

 You know, the little cardboard sleeves that coffee shops put on their cups so you don't burn your hands while you drink your coffee?  Yeah, those little guys.  Can you imagine the pile of those things one person must have thrown away through one year of get-stuff-done-fuel consumption?  Not to mention how bland they are.  Wouldn't it be better to have one (or two, or three, or seventeen) that you could reuse AND are customized in a way you like?  Well, that was what we thought and why we decided to make Coffee Cozies for our November DIY Forever.  Couldn't make it?  Want to make one now?  Well, “Lay on, Macduff, and damned be him who first cries ‘Hold! enough!'"  The instructions are in the jump!

     Alright, this craft is super easy.  All you need is some readily available and cheap supplies along with extremely meager sewing skills.  Actually, you don't really need the sewing skills either . . . just the patience to thread a needle and the knowledge that the pointy end of said needle goes into the fabric.  Here's the rundown of materials:

  1. Some fabric (a sheet or scraps of felt, fleece, cotton, wool, burlap, even leather for those of you too burly for soft fabric.  Though you will need additional tools for leather working)
  2. Needle and thread
  3. Scissors
  4. Pencil
  5. Paperclips or pins
  6. Fabric glue
  7. Embellishments (buttons, googly eyes, patches, glitter . . . you name it!)
  8. Used cardboard coffee cozy or a pattern (this one and this one both work great and you should check out their tutorials for cozies if you need some additional inspiration or clarification)

The craft is very simple; so simple, in fact, we were able to fit it into an eight step visual guide.  Even though it was made for those who were at the craft event, it should serve well enough as a guide for a person who wasn't there.

 Here's the breakdown:

  1. Find some fabric
  2. Cut out a cozy from the fabric using a pattern or a cardboard cozy that has been pulled apart where it is glued together
  3. Sew or glue on embellishments.  Remember that the convex side of the cozy (the side that is longest) will be the top of the cozy.
  4. Fold the cozy in half and stitch it together along the short side.  I wouldn't suggest using glue here, due to the strain the seam will experience.  I suppose some epoxy glue or strong fabric glue could do the trick, though.
  5. Add any last minute additions.

Have fun!  And post some comments if you've made your own or have questions.  Definitely check out The DIYnamic Duo and Molly's Sketchbook who's blog posts helped inspire us to do this craft.

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