Book Brunch

We all like discussing the books we love and we all like friends.  One of the problems we run into as adults is finding new people to discuss our favorite books with, while getting some good suggestions of what to read from them.  Let's face it - it isn't like when we were kids and could just walk up to a person, introduce ourselves, and ask: "Want to be friends?"  Well, we wanted to make things a bit easier.  We wanted a way to socialize as an adult in a relaxed environment.  And that, my friends, is where Book Brunch comes in.

Every four weeks we host a Book Brunch on Saturday morning.  This is a casual book discussion group with coffee and a light brunch to help things along.  There are no assigned books to read, no expectations or requirements, and no awkward moments trying to find the right thing to say.  Just come in and enjoy some coffee and snacks and talk about whatever book has you enthralled at the moment . . . or not . . . you can also just come to enjoy some coffee and brunch and listen to other people.

Of course, discussion isn't limited to books, either . . . flabbergasted by the latest Doctor Who episode?  Great!  You'll find people to chat about it with!  The goal here is casual, informal, fun.  And hey, who can really say no to some coffee and donuts (or muffins or cookies or fruit or whatever it is we might have)?  So come on in and join us!  The next Book Brunch is Saturday, January 18th at 10am.  See you there!

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